One thing that fascinates me about
spiritual work and the consciousness that I have begun to develop is the
awareness of being in the moment. Of how through being present, one moment
radiates outwards and unfolds into a vast pattern. It can be envisioned as a
mandala in which one moment is the central point and through exploring it,
resting in awareness at that point an amazing creation begins to unfurl. Later
when looking at the whole it seems astounding that these vibrant, dynamic forms
all had their root in that small point. It shows the potential that is always
present, but often beyond our vision, in every moment we live.
This summer was a case in point for me. I
injured my leg and had a cast and thus was more immobile than usual. I knew it
happened for a reason, but I did not know what that reason was. So I tried to
stay open to see what would come to light. I was often in nature and
butterflies began to catch my attention. So I began to look up their
significance. The butterfly is one of the most transformational of all
when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly.” – Proverb
I knew it held relevance for me and for the
emotional and physical place I was currently in. Speaking to a friend who is
very involved in this work, I asked her if she had any good information on the
symbolism of the butterfly and dragonfly and she instantly sent something on. One
of the articles that I liked a great deal was written by Sandra Ingerman. I was
not familiar with her and so looked her up In doing so I saw that she gave courses at an
online university, but it wasn’t clear which one. I did a search and two
different universities came up, the first one was the University of
Metaphysical Sciences,
I began to look through their courses and I
liked what I read, but I couldn’t find her listed as a teacher. I then found
her in another university,
, but when I compared them, the first one seemed to resonate more with me. I
hadn’t thought of studying for a degree, but suddenly it started to add up. I
have been wanting to do a course for a while now and looking up various ones
here and there and making enquiries, though only with a weekend in my mind. I
had put out the call for a teacher in my meditations, but one person alone never
seemed to fit into my vision.
The university was offering a BA, MA and
Ph.D, one step along what I had in my mind. But the more I felt it out the more
it seemed to fit. I sensed how I had been wanting to quiet down for a while
now, to study and dedicate to that, to give more time and above all peace to my
inner work. I felt it out for a few days and then signed up. I had been driving
myself into outward projects and, without having consciously registered it, I
was yearning to slow down. It felt right. More and more that seems to be my
barometer of whether I should do something or not.
I saw how events had come together, because
I had hurt my leg I had the time on my hands to look up these different
symbolisms and where they lead. I had the time to feel them out and then once I
had signed up, I had the time to begin the course. Had I not hurt my leg I
would have been rushing round with the children all day long. My body had
stopped me, I was tired, I knew that, but I needed a time to stop and tap into
the feeling of what I really wanted and the pace I wanted to go at. The
butterflies and dragonflies were a key to catch my attention. They were the
inner world made outer, to lead me inward again.
It is not so remarkable. I think this
happens all the time and every day. Our moments unfurl into further moments,
which in turn hold the potential for other moments and all of it is ultimately
interrelated. It is a wonderful criss-crossing, inter-weaving and expanding and
it is a joy to be present in this process.