Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Travelling In Your Personal Energetic Spacecraft

I am still reading ‘The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth’ by Dolores Cannon and finding it unendingly fascinating. 

The other day I read about a woman who when in trance spoke about travelling in a spaceship. She said that she was an energetic light being and the craft was actually her own energy. She needed a vehicle of her own energy in order to be able to travel through the other energies. 

It was suggested to her that were she to travel without this throughout the galaxies then her energy would get dispersed. I loved this image and it stayed with me. Perhaps this is what UFOs are, outward manifestations, capsules, of the energy of the beings within them.

I remembered a while back I was dealing with how to hold my own energy around those who were very down, stressed and dark in their energy. It is hard to be well when those closest to you are not.

It was suggested to me that I can be like a deep sea diver who carries their own oxygen with them. I can infuse my space with how and who I am and keep it in a bubble around me. It is from this bubble that I can draw my nourishment.I can recognise and empathise and help others, but I need not be fed from their air.

This is not exactly what was said, it is how I assimilated it. But I thought that the two things are very much related, at least in my mind. The energetic spacecraft to house you as zip through the galaxies and the air you have around you.

Recently I have become more and more aware of the space around me. Sometimes I now breathe in as if my point of inhalation is just under half a metre in front of me. I imagine not only that the air is coming to me via that distance, but also that the actual physical inhalation begins from that point. For some reason it is instantly calming, I feel heart centred and peaceful. 

I have had guided visualisations and meditations where I was told to imagine certain attributes and then to breathe them in. I believe that we can fill the space around us with whatever we wish. Just as we can charge water to reflect certain feeling states. See the experiments done on water by Dr. Masaru Emoto: so I believe that we can charge the air.

I can fill the air around me with peace, for example, and breathe that in. I direct it with my thoughts and intent, I feel it in my heart and then project it outwards. Throughout the day I can reconnect with that and consciously breathe it in and nourish myself with that.

As I go beyond my physical form I can also send this out to others. My auric field can expand and touch others as I pass with the feeling states I am working with.

First, however, I have to learn to hold my own energy. Otherwise I would be like the light being with no spacecraft getting dispersed all over the place, which happened to me on many occasions in my life! 

One visualisation that really worked is the blue egg. It is to imagine that there is a blue egg of light surrounding you and that nothing can penetrate through this. It took a while and a lot of imagination before it started to seem viable and real. I had to work on it for quite some time in quiet meditation before I was able to get an internal visual that felt credible, a feeling, for what the blue egg was like. 

But once I had it, I could summon it in social settings and know that no one’s energy was penetrating me, I could sit back and watch how things unfolded. A book which helped a lot was Ernesto’s Ortiz’s ‘The Akashic Records – Sacred Wisdom for Transformation’, he has a very good section on protection, on using the egg or circle shape around you and making it whatever colour you feel to be most suited to you. He also has a triple layer protection, i.e. three eggs, which I love and have often used. 

In imagining the egg, it is to visualise the light coming from within you and that you send this out a distance around you creating the egg shape, you can then thicken the walls. He has a very good website which is worth checking out, it has some very good free meditations, under Free Stuff, on it which I recommend, I found the one on grounding particularly useful.

It all took some practice, however. From hearing about an egg shaped light bubble that could protect, to actually beginning to feel that it does, is quite a journey!

But once I became able to hold my own energy, which I have really noticed only recently then I can start playing with it. Sending it out, letting the light stream, without being fearful. It is good to know that when it gets too much I can draw it all in again. I can choose, this is important to remember. 

I tried for a while to hold it open constantly and living in a city I was running for cover to my house after half an hour of being outdoors. It is neither necessary nor very useful to do this I was told and I agree! 

Yesterday when I was walking down the street, I allowed myself to spread further than my physical form, so that I could place my awareness in my auric field. As I walked, I imagined that I could see the light in every person I walked past. 

We all come from divine Source, we are all divine Source, we are all Light. I feel that our work is to expand our closeness and remembrance of who we are and where we come from, to incorporate it more and more in this moment. 

We have forgotten. We can remember. Between those points are infinite journeys. 

Everyone I looked at, I imagined a small kernel of light shining within them and held it in focus. Without even realising it, some I imagined had a kernel of light, others an orb, others a tiny grain, but whatever the size or how covered it was, it was there.

I felt myself glowing with light and recognised the light in them. I then started to imagine that each person was streaming light as if from the top of their heads’ leaving trails of light behind them. It was beautiful. I asked that they recognise this too. 

I did not get depleted doing this as I was firmly within myself, but I felt more connected, more able to recognise the beauty in those around me. I got to free myself from usual perceptions, usual judgements, looking people up and down wondering what they thought of me, what I think of them. That became irrelevant. 

At times when I got a bit jittery I just re-enfolded myself and brought my focus back to the small area around me, to the floor even. It was play, but it took me to another vision, another perception of the strangers walking by. 

It is wonderful, because I can set out and not know what the day will bring, what will my perception be on this journey? I hadn’t planned it, but it naturally unfolded and I’m glad to have had that experience. 

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

The Passenger

There is no division between the spiritual and the mundane. Every event of our lives can become charged with meaning, it can be a portal to a realm of experiences and understanding both new and unfolding. It is wonderful when this happens and I feel it happening more and more. So much of my day is made up of tiny events that hold great realities.

I’ve had this song ‘The Passenger’ in my head for what seems like months. The urge to hear it has been building and today I had to download it. More and more I do things because I feel it is right, I feel a calling to do it and because I have listened to that calling enough without asking what the point is and always experienced something special through it, I just do it now without thinking.  I downloaded it and went downstairs ostensibly to tidy up, but really it was to hear it in a quiet space which was mine. It is where I meditate and the energy and feeling there relaxes me.

The second I heard it I began to dance. I haven’t danced for years and with such abandon. Even when I used to dance it was always as if I held up a mirror to myself and was trying to look on from the outside in and so I was always self-conscious in a limiting way. But today was different, I felt free in my form and really enjoying the movement I was capable of. 

A few months ago I read one of the Seth books, ‘Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment, Vol. 1,’ one of my favourite books to date! In it Seth describes man’s process of becoming physical and how the air itself was denser and so many things started coming together. 

For weeks I have become aware of the wind on my body, really feeling the air as I walk, becoming aware of my physical frame parting the air, being caressed by it, the texture of it, the temperature variation. Now as I danced I felt the air, I was able to sense the air as I moved and it was wonderful. I loved my body, what it could do, it was literally filling the space, rotating within and around it, splicing through the air.

I danced and so much came to me, I understood how I was able to fill my space now and not let others into my energy field any more, I felt big and wonderful. This is alien for me, yet it was natural. I could see the energy in my mind’s eye, I had shivers through me the whole time, I knew I was doing more than just dancing.

So often the small things, the little urges we are most likely to pass over, especially when the little voice in our head tells us that it’s silly, those are the things that can bring us the greatest gifts. So many experiences converged in me hearing and dancing to that song. I was so happy to be in physical form, I have fought against this and struggled within this since small and I felt that in my dance I was reaching acceptance, but more than acceptance, joy. 

Only here at this time can I be as I am at this instant and it is a thrill. I felt energy coming through me and I knew I was releasing energy in my movements. I called for healing and allowed the light to gather within me and spin off what I no longer need, it could be released through my hands. Everything was joined. 

When I heard the lyrics about the stars I was transported to the night sky with my crystals charging them the other night. Again I had followed my intuition. I had put them out to charge in the full moon and instead of leaving them haphazardly I put them in a grid. I did it without thinking, just through sensing where they needed to go and they were beautiful. As I danced I was there, feeling the closeness of the sky and the stars and all that they may mean and be to me.

I felt my niece close. She died a few years back of cancer and for some reason she was so close now. I realised the three year anniversary of her death had just passed as had her birthday and I hadn’t remembered. But I felt her here now. I knew she had come to do what she needed to do and tough though her life was and unbearably painful to watch how she left, I felt her joyous and full in this instant. I felt I could dance with her. 

Now when I write, it brings tears to my eyes, but it was all feeling and it felt so real that when I was experiencing it, there was no sadness. There was no time even, all the events like the contours of an ordinance survey map that lay against each other began to merge with each other.  I was amazed at the lyrics I was listening to. This is it! I am the passenger and I’m thrilled to be here, I’m thrilled to be here with you, it’s one big dance, a wonderful uplift of energy. 

Excerpted lyrics for the full version:

First Verse
I am the Passenger and I ride and I ride
I ride through the city’s backsides
I see the stars come out of the sky
Yeah, the bright and hollow sky
You know it looks so good tonight.

Fourth Verse
Oh, the passenger
How, how he rides
Oh, the passenger
 He rides and he rides
He looks through his window
What does he see?
He sees the sign and hollow sky
He sees the stars come out tonight
He sees the city’s ripped backsides
He sees the winding ocan drive
And everything was made for you and me
All of it was made for you and me
‘Cause it just belongs to you and me
So let’s take a ride and see what’s mine

Fifth Verse
Oh the passenger
He rides and he rides
He sees things from under glass
He looks through his window side
He sees the things that he knows are his
He sees the bright and hollow sky
He sees the city sleep at night
He sees the stars out tonight
And all of it is yours and mine
And all of it is yours and mine
So let’s ride and ride and ride and ride

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

All It Takes Is An Idea

Anything is possible. I have come to see that the only thing that limits us is how far we can imagine what the possible may be in our lives and in ourselves. 

We can and do change all the time. We can work actively to this effect. The scariest state of being, I find, is the one I have heard reiterated many a time: ‘This is who I am. I am as I am and I cannot (or will not) change.’

Sometimes this is coupled with the addendum that the person is too old to change. Does this imply that only children get to change? That once we have reached our mid-20s we become so literally petrified that we can no longer alter the pattern of our being. It is frustrating and very sad to hear these words spoken in the conveying of this belief. 

In my experience I have found that all change begins with an idea, the opening of the mind, ‘perhaps this may be so’. It does not yet have to reside within my experience, it is just the beginning of thinking that it may be possible. It could be a myriad of things, to beginning to think that life may be more magical than we collectively portray it, to thinking that maybe there is another way of acting in a given situation that is available to you.

But it all begins with the may-be. It is a wonderful moment, it seems as though the mind takes a new intake of breath and breathes out into a new space. Ah, there may be more. This may be possible. I could be this.

As this step begins to come together we come up against all the fear based reasoning that emphatically tells you it is not so. The world is not magic. Grow up. Be realistic i.e. cynical. Knuckle down and do the job. Stop seeking, you will only get hurt. 

This is the ego’s role to protect you from the ‘you will only get hurt’ part of the equation. That and ‘the people will think you ridiculous’ or ‘you will become so isolated and alien, no one will be with you. You will not fit in.’ 

As the idea is new there will not be much lived experience to back this up. And so it is natural to go back and forth playing with the idea, taking a step into it and then retreating again.

It is important to remember that we are as filters to the great amount of physical data around us, and our filter, the size and its angle, is determined by the beliefs we hold. Not only does it filter the information that comes through to us, it also draws through the filter experiences that correlate with the belief systems held. 

If I believe that the world is a dark and dangerous place where everyone is out to get me that is what I am going to encounter. I will read and watch the news and I will have this confirmed multiple times a day. I will go for a walk and I will see people scowling, I will worry that they will steal my bag, they will seem shady, I will feel vulnerable, something may even happen. 

What is for sure is that I will not see the people smiling, walking with abandon, radiating their joy. To give a more concrete example, one Friday afternoon I went to a shopping centre looked at the people around me and I saw how happy they were to have finished work early that day. They had the whole weekend ahead of them and I could put myself in their shoes and sense how they were feeling. There was a sense of excitement. The days were opening up in front of them, their own time, they could make plans and have fun.

It made me feel happy for them and it uplifted me. I only saw this because I was receptive to that feeling, I resonated with it and could therefore pick it up. I have suffered from depression in my life and I know that when you feel bad, that is all you see and experience.

Had I gone into the shops with a different attitude, I would have seen the person who pushed another without apologising, I would have gotten stuck behind someone who was blocking my way, the cashier would have said something that annoyed me. I would have seen the faces of people who were also miserable and either I would have felt a sense of comradeship or resented them just for the hell of it.

Had I noticed the happy ones, it would only have been to translate them into my model and I would have railed against their stupidity, at not realising the seriousness of life and how little there really was to be happy about it.

So when we first get an idea that opens up our current beliefs, we have a bulk of lived experience that is either at odds with our opening or just does not tally with it. This is where the may-be is so important. I do not know that it is not so, it may not seem so, but then again it may-be so. 

It has helped me to open to the idea that if I continue working on changing my beliefs, my experience within the world will eventually change to match me. This may take some time, but once you see it coming into effect in your own lives’ it is unbelievably motivating and thrilling. 

There is no one “true” version of reality, there are multiple versions and I can get to take a part in choosing the versions that I participate in. And the wonderful thing is that it all begins with a thought.

There are no limits to what I can begin to imagine if I let myself. The concept of guides was so distant to me when I was first told about them. I was told that I could meet them, that they were with me helping me and that I could connect with them. But how do you even begin? 

I started with visualisations and it began but distantly symbolic. I could make some connections, but it was still very strange. But over time as an idea builds up and up, experience starts to correlate. The next thing I know is that I can actively call upon my guides for help and feel that they are working with me. 

I do not see them, but I know on a very deep level what is happening. If I let my mind flow and do not block it by what I think should fit, I start to get mental pictures of what is going on.

It was the same with white light. People mentioned to me the power of calling in white light, using it as a protection, to cleanse space, but I couldn’t even begin to imagine it. What exactly was white light? How could something you call in the mind’s eye for what you don’t even have a picture of, do anything in the here and now? 

But the idea stuck. Somehow my mind began to play with it. I imagined what it looked like. I imagined what it felt like. In meditations and visualisations it came through. Then I had to start living it. I had to actively call upon it, though it felt inane at the time. 

But the more I did it, the more real it became, it started to have its own internal logic, its own script, its own world of experiences that I could relate to when I thought of it. Now when I think of white light around me and breathing it in and clearing my space, it takes no more than a second to summon.

It doesn’t have to be so esoteric either. I’ve had times with my children where I’ve reacted after a long day and we’re all tired and then felt bad. Immediately afterwards I knew that they were tired or hungry and instead of hammering away at the point, gently cajoling them into bed would have been kinder, more loving and more in harmony with who I wish to be. 

But I was not capable of it for a time. I would see it only after the fact. But I desired to react differently, I held to this intention. I could paint the picture of myself in a more loving, a kinder mode, I really got a sense for who I could be. It was as though I started to flesh out the idea with more thoughts in my creation of the picture. 

Then one day something happened, my son called to me after he should have been asleep and I was already half way down the stairs. My usual reaction after having been called in so many times already would have been not to go. I would have felt quietly and internally irritated at how this was stopping me doing other things that I wanted to do. 

But then my picture caught up with me. I realised that here was an opportunity to live the picture I was painting. I saw the scene as I wished it to be like in a film and all I had to do was step into it. So I went into his room and held him in love. I realised that he needed me right now. I listened to what he said and I transmitted to him how much I loved him. I held him and kissed him and spoke to him till he was nearly asleep. 

I had literally been able to walk into the picture of who I wanted to be, what I wanted to be capable of. I had walked into an alternate reality. I go in and out of this now, but as long as I have a picture to guide me, to show me how to keep opening up the potential within me, the more I use my intent to steer me towards its realisation, the happier I feel. 

There is no point where it is all reached, it is an ongoing journey where ideas spawn new ideas and the process keeps unfolding.

I was petrified for years and I do not want to be that again, I doubt whether it is any longer possible! But it is not hard to make a start, all you have to do is not close the doors, just stay open to a possibility. 

Monday, 1 July 2013

Poem - The Song of Worlds

The Song of Worlds 

‘Ere I was born they sang a song
and dreams were made in night.
And from those dreams there grew
a birth that found its way to light.

So many dreams, so many worlds,
they bounded round with song.
Yet in our hearts fear sparked dark,
and our dreams seemed to be gone.

‘When was that time? Where are those dreams?’
You query, I reply:

The time is now, the dreams are here,
awake and you will find.
We’re back again, we never left.
Those dreams are yours and mine. 

December 2012