Tuesday 19 April 2016

Walking Beyond The Divide

For the past few years I have been constantly thrilled by walking—by going out and looking for signs. It is a thrill to see how the seemingly external world seamlessly comments upon and provides guidance for the inner world.

In Nature Speak, Ted Andrews suggests walking in nature and being fully conscious, noting that everything that appears to you has great significance. What are the colours that stand out today? The colours have great symbolism and can speak volumes to you. What animals do you hear or see? What plants catch your eye? What about the contours of the land, that too has significance? You can see how it feels to you and also research the symbolism, the habits and properties of what came to you and see how it fits.

Robert Moss, in Sidewalk Oracles, suggests playing what he coined “sidewalk tarot.” Setting your intention to find out more about a theme or a direct question and then turning it over to the Universe. Then going out and taking the first unusual thing you see as a direct answer to the question you put—playing with synchronicity.

What is the guidance coming to us and where does it come from? I like to think of the Universe as a sea of energy that is constantly responding to what we put out. I view it as streams of swirling energy that coalesce around each of us in response to our own energetic radiations. We attract certain parts of that sea to us in accordance with our resonance. That is why setting intention is so important.

I also think of it as my Full Self in action, drawing to me what I most need to learn, grow or just purely enjoy and delight in at certain moments. The Full Self for me can have many names, Higher Self, Divine Self, Infinite Self. It is the part of me that goes beyond the Personality and is more aligned with my true purpose, it also contains much more of me than the physical frame of a human body could contain.

But I find momentarily, rather than as a constant experience, that when I align myself and lean into my Full Self, it is in turn aligned with Source. Thus filters down the awareness that it is all part of the same whole, from the graffiti on the wall, the hand that held the spray paint can, myself standing on the dirt track seeing the writing, the dirt under my feet, the air that I breathe, the light shining on my face. It is all part of the beautiful breath of Divine consciousness and we are all made of that very substance and thus are all connected.

How wonderful to be able to remain within this sense of knowing, but my experience is that it is in flashes. Often it is an intuitive awareness, but however it comes I’m sure by sensing it, holding the intention for it, enjoying all the signs along the path, then it will continue to expand.

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